Savings Accounts

Resource One’s savings accounts are the traditional way to save for the future. Set your money aside in these accounts and watch your money grow for future us

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Open Your Savings Account Today

Having your Savings Account with us will start you on the path to financial freedom.

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Resource One Savings Accounts

All savings accounts come with peace-of-mind. Our deposits are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), which means your money is protected. When you become a Member, your savings account is opened with a $25 deposit.

Benefits Include

  • Dividends earned on balances.
  • No penalties for early withdrawal.
  • Deposits can be made at your convenience at any time for any amount.
  • Funds can be automatically transferred from any available savings share with overdraft transfer service.
  • Ability to customize and structure your savings to put aside money for vacations, holidays and more!

5 Reasons to Open a Savings Account

  1. Emergencies
  2. Purchase a new vehicle
  3. Down payment on a new home
  4. Vacation
  5. School

Basic Savings Account

Features and Benefits

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $25
  • Monthly Maintenance Fees: $0
  • Earn Dividends: Earn dividends when the daily balance is $250 (paid quarterly based on daily balance)
  • Your savings account can be used for overdraft protection. Transaction limits apply.
  • Must maintain a minimum of $25 to keep R1CU Membership open
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Meet a Specialist by Video Chat, calling 800-375-3674, or visiting a branch.

Regular Savings Rates

balance rate apy
$250.00 and above 0.10% 0.10%

APY= Annual Percentage Yield. The minimum balance to open is $25.00. Minimum balance to earn $250.00. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawal of funds. Rates as of March 09, 2025. Rates are subject to change without notice.

Summer Savings & Holiday Club Account

Features and Benefits

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $5
  • Monthly Maintenance Fees: $0
  • Earn Dividends: Earn dividends when the daily balance is $250 (paid quarterly based on daily balance)
  • Transaction Limits:
    • Summer Savings: Unlimited withdrawals from June – August. Otherwise $10 per withdrawal.
    • Holiday Club: Unlimited withdrawals from November – December. Otherwise $10 per withdrawal.
  • Must have a membership account open.
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Meet a Specialist by calling 800-375-3674 or visiting a branch.

Summer Savings & Holiday Club Rates

balance rate apy
$250.00 and above 0.10% 0.10%

APY= Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open $5.00. Minimum balance to earn $250.00. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawal of funds. Rates as of March 09, 2025. Rates are subject to change without notice.

Additional Savings Account

Features and Benefits

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $0
  • Monthly Maintenance Fees: $0
  • Earn Dividends: Earn dividends when the daily balance is $250 (paid quarterly based on daily balance)
  • Your savings account can be used for overdraft protection.
  • Must have a membership account open.
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Meet a Specialist by calling 800-375-3674 or visiting a branch.

Additional Savings Rates

balance rate apy
$250.00 and above 0.10% 0.10%

APY= Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open $0.00. Minimum balance to earn $250.00. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawal of funds. Rates as of March 09, 2025. Rates are subject to change without notice.

Included Features and Benefits

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