Fraud Prevention Hub
Utilize the insights, articles, and resources provided here to help safeguard your identity and protect your personal information.
We’re dedicated to your security, with advanced physical and digital banking measures designed to keep you safe.
Credit/Debit Card Inquiry
Card Inquiries: 1-866-820-2895
Card Inquiries International: 727-299-2449
Regular Banking: 800-375-3674
Traveling Outside of Your Normal Spending Area
If you’re planning to travel, simply send us a secure message via the mobile app or online banking, or give us a call at 800-375-3674. This will ensure that your credit and debit cards work smoothly throughout your trip.
Change Password
Change your password for online and mobile banking anytime by logging in to online banking or the mobile app.
Suspend Your Account, Stop a Transaction, or Request a Replacement Card
If you suspect fraud and would like to temporarily suspend your account, stop a transaction, or request a replacement card, please call us immediately at 800-375-3674. We’re here to help you take action and protect your account.
What You Can Do
Take advantage of our security tips and practices to keep yourself as safe as possible.
Keep your computer secure
Set up screen-lock passwords on all phones, tablets, and computers you use. Equip your computers with virus and spyware protection software and keep your computer operating systems and browsers updated. And avoid modifying your operating system (commonly called “jailbreaking”), which will void the warranty and could expose your device to potential threats.
Create strong, unique usernames and passwords
Good usernames and passwords are key to prevent unauthorized account access. Create unique usernames for your financial accounts, use a different password for each site, and never reuse the same username or password on multiple financial sites. That way, if a hacker gains access to one account, the same login info won’t give them access to others.
Monitor your accounts & use alerts
Regularly monitor your accounts for unauthorized transactions. Resource One easy-to-use alert system, including real-time fraud text alerts, helps you monitor your accounts so fraud won’t go undetected. If you notice anything suspicious, contact us immediately. Resource One must receive notification of suspected fraud within 60 days of the suspicious or fraudulent transaction in order for you to file a claim.
Protect your debit card from skimming
Before you use your debit or credit card at an ATM, store, or gas pump, take a good look at the card payment terminal to see if it looks suspicious. Extra parts sticking out or lose pieces may indicate the presence of a skimming device that thieves use to capture card info.
Browse safely
Avoid using online banking while on public WiFi networks; use your cell phone data connection instead. Don’t allow browsers to remember your passwords for financial sites or sites where you shop, and only log in to sites with secure browsing (look for “HTTPS” in the URL instead of “HTTP”).
Protect your PIN
Never share your PIN (Personal Identification Number) with others, and be careful when entering your PIN. Pay attention to your surroundings in the checkout line or at an ATM and shield the keypad from view as much as you can while entering your PIN.
Sign up for two-factor authentication
Opt-in to Two-Factor Authentication for an added layer of protection when you log in to your Resource One accounts.
Stay informed about scams
Subscribe to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Scam Alerts to receive an email about what to watch out for when a new scam is becoming widespread.
Enable direct deposit
Have your paychecks and dividends deposited directly to your checking or savings account so you won’t have to worry about lost or stolen checks.
Notify the Credit Bureaus
It is highly recommended that you contact the three national consumer reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, if you believe you have been a victim of identity theft. Ask each agency to place a “fraud alert” on your credit report and send you a copy of your credit file.
Contact the local Police
In the event of identity theft, it is important that you notify your local police department and file a report. Be sure to request a report number or a copy of the report, for your records and, if necessary, to include with any affidavits you may need to provide.

Mobile banking safety tips
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